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Android: Collecting device logs


To collect logs from an Android device for Blue Cedar support to troubleshoot, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Android SDK from
  2. Extract the adt-bundle file.
  3. On the Android device from which you will extract logs, enable Developer mode by repeatedly tapping on the "Build Number" field in device settings > About.
  4. Navigate to Settings > System > Developer Options and enable "USB Debugging."
  5. Connect your device to your PC/Mac. Note: Windows may require specific device drivers.
  6. Open a terminal (Mac, Linux) or a command prompt (Windows), and navigate to the SDK tool's "platform-tools" directory.
  7. Execute the Android Debug Bridge tool with the logcat option and debug parameters, writing the data to a text file:

    ./adb logcat "*:D" > adb_log.txt

    adb logcat "*:D" > C:\adb_log.txt
  8. To clear the log:

    ./adb logcat -c 
  9. Reproduce the issue, and stop the logging process by using Ctrl-c in the shell/command prompt.

  10. Locate the log file (adb_log.txt) and send to support.



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