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The configuration settings for Authentication are organized in sections, shown in the App Enhancement / Blue Cedar Enforce / Protect Data / Authentication section of the workflow builder as these tabs:

  • Passphrase/PIN
  • Server Authentication




Security Method

Required (one of these):

  • None (default)
  • Use a passphrase
  • Use a PIN (at least 6 digits)


Allow biometric authentication. If selected, the user can authenticate with fingerprint or Face ID (as available on the device).

Passphrase Requirements
Minimum LengthRequired. The minimum number of characters required for a user passphrase or PIN (as selected above). Longer passphrases and PINs are more secure, but require more effort from the user.

Optional. If selected, the user must select a complex passphrase or PIN.

Complex passphrases may not contain four or more of each of the following:

  • Same number and/or character, for example: 111111, abbbbc, 8888xyz
  • Numbers and/or characters in sequence (including reverse), for example: 123456, 8765ab, abcde1928
  • Any sequence of numbers (including reverse) with the same interval, such as odd/even numbers, for example: 1357xxx, 8642000, 036999
Passphrase character types

(Passphrase only.) Passphrase must contain at least one of each selected character type:

  • Alpha [a-zA-Z]
  • Lowercase alpha [a-z]
  • Uppercase alpha [A-Z]
  • Numeric [0-9]
  • Special (#, &, ~, etc.)

Remember the last n passphrases/PINs

Optional. If selected, the user cannot repeat a previously used passphrase when setting a new one

Invalid Passphrase/PIN handling

Lock user out of the app if user makes consecutive incorrect passphrase/PIN entries

Enable/disable lockout and select the number of attempts before locking the user out.

If this option is enabled, and the app is not integrated with Blue Cedar Connect, the user is locked out after the specified number of invalid attempts.

If this option is enabled, and the app is integrated with Blue Cedar Connect using a Blue Cedar or IKEv2 gateway, the user is locked out after the specified number of invalid attempts and the app allows the user to re-authenticate with their gateway enrollment credentials. The user can then set a new local app passcode.

Maximum Age Rule

User must change passphrase/PIN frequency

Optional. Select whether the user must change the passphrase at a regular interval. You can set a reminder for the user as well.


Optional. Select whether the user must enter their local passphrase or PIN in the selected case(s):

  • When switching between apps
  • When the app is idle for the configured number of minutes

On Android, there is a 3-second grace period when switching apps before re-authentication is required.

Allow background access

Allow background access (bypass local authentication when app is launched by the system in the background)

If selected, allow app launched in the background to access information secured by local app authentication. User interactions with the app still require local app authentication.

For example, an app may not require the main UI to be available for certain tasks, such as an email client fetching emails and sending notifications for new email. This option allows the app's background processing to perform without having to ask the user to enter local app authentication credentials. Once the user is ready to interact with the app, the app prompts for local app authentication as usual.

  • iOS: If allow background access is enabled, background tasks do not run (the user does not receive notifications) until the user has started the app manually.
  • Android: If allow background access is enabled, background tasks including notifications work even before the user launches the app and authenticates.

Server Authentication

This option provides the ability for the client application to forward the provided OAuth Token or x509 user certificate to a downstream server for use in authenticating the end user.

Authentication Type

Required (one of these):

  • None (default)
  • OpenID/Authentication - provide the base url for the Server and client ID
    • Enter the OpenID Base Discovery URL for the web authentication server.

      For example, if the OpenID metadata is published at the well-known URI such as, the base discovery URL required for the field is or if a specific port is required.
    • Enter the Client ID - the public identifier for this app.
    • Pass token to URLs (Rule-Based Authentication)
      • Add URLs to this list to use OAuth authentication for app requests to those URLs. For example, if the app requests a URL within the domain and https://** is on the list, the OAuth token obtained when the app was initially authenticated is passed to that URL for authentication.

        If the app requests a URL that isn't on this list, there is no effect—the app attempts to connect to the URL as usual.

        Format: You can use hostnames or IP addresses.  Standard wildcard/glob matching applies.

      • Each URL Matching Rule can include a host pattern and a port. The asterisk wildcard (*) is accepted.
        • In the host part of the url, you can specify * for part of the hostname. For example, * matches or, but not; * matches as well as and 
        • Enter the port as part of the hostname in the url, for example hostname  → <hostname>:[port].  If you leave port empty, it defaults to port 443 (HTTPS). Use *443 to match 443, 8443, and so on.
    • Enable Additional Scopes to authenticate and add them to the list to authenticate with specific scopes during OAuth. For information on OpenID Scopes please refer to:
  • Retrieve Credential from Blue Cedar Connect Gateway
    • With User Certificate which allows the integrated app to enroll for a client certificate and use it to authenticate against the Blue Cedar Connect Gateway.
    • Enable Pass certificate to hostnames
      • Enable only for the domains listed following the URL Matching Rule format.   Each hostname matching rule rule can include a host pattern and a port. The asterisk wildcard (*) is accepted.
        • In the host pattern field, you can specify * for part of the hostname. For example, * matches or, but not; * matches as well as and 
        • Enter the port as part of the hostname, for example hostname  → <hostname>:[port] If you leave port empty, it defaults to port 443 (HTTPS). Use *443 to match 443, 8443, and so on.

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