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Creating a new organization


Log into the Blue Cedar Platform as a platform administrator. 

  • On the Organizations List, make sure that Platform is the selected organization in the menu in the top left. 

Click Create New Organization.

  1. Give the organization a name.
  2. Create the organization's first user. This user must be an organization administrator.
  3. When options are available, choose subscription details.
  4. Click Create and return to the organization list.

Columns in the organization list:

​Organization name​Click this link for the organization detail page
Last updatedTimestamp for last update
SubscriptionsAssigned subscription names


Total number of unique apps across all subscriptions for this organization
App BinariesTotal number of uploaded app binaries across all subscriptions and across all (unique) apps for this organization


Roll over the icon for details.

(tick) No issues

(info) Information other than errors, such as paused workflow runs

(error) At least one error, for example, an integration has failed

(warning) Attention, for example, one of the services needs an update

Hover over the status icon to see more details.

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