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About the CLI commands

The Command Line Interface (CLI) commands for administering the gateway are organized into three categories: 

  • CLI session: these commands are for applying settings for an interactive user session.
  • CLI operational mode: these commands apply primarily when the CLI is in operational mode.
  • CLI configuration mode: these commands apply only when the CLI is in configuration mode.

CLI session commands

The CLI session commands are a group of settings that apply to the interactive CLI sessions. You can configure settings such as idle timeout for the CLI session, and the settings are persisted across sessions. When a user logs out, the settings that were configured expire with the termination of the CLI session.

To see a list of available settings for session commands, enter show cli.

> show cli
   history         : 100
   idle-timeout    : 1200
   paginate        : true
   path            : /

Note: The gateway handles two types of sessions.

  • Admin sessions: for users who administer the gateway.
  • Client sessions: for apps on a mobile device, used when they log in to obtain access from the gateway.

This section only describes admin sessions.

CLI operational mode commands

These are the available top-level commands when the CLI is in operational mode.

Operation mode commandPurpose
cloneMake a copy of a named datastore
commandExecute a custom command
configureEnter configuration mode
exitExit the CLI session (same as quit)
filePerform file operations
helpDisplay help information
historyDisplay CLI command history
logShow or clear system log
networkPerform network operations
pathSet relative path for operational status
quitExit the CLI session (same as exit)
removeRemove a named datastore
requestMake a device-level request
setSet the value for a CLI property
showShow information about the device
sourceExecute commands from a file
topNavigate/reset configuration path to the top level of navigation tree
upNavigate/reset configuration path up one level

CLI configuration mode commands

These are the available top-level commands when the CLI is in configuration mode.

Configuration mode commandPurpose
commitCommit current configuration and modifications to the datastore
compareCompare the current configuration to the configuration data in the gateway's datastore
contextChange to a different multi-tenant configuration context
deleteRemove a data element
editEdit a data element
exitLeave configuration mode
helpDisplay help information
insertInsert a new data element
loadLoad data for a configuration from a file into the current configuration
quitLeave configuration mode
renameRename a data element
revertRevert current configuration back to start of the transaction
rollbackGo back to a previously committed configuration setting
runRun operational commands while in configuration mode
saveSave the current configuration to a file
setSet the value for a data element. (Use commit to make a change persistent.)
showDisplay the current configuration
topNavigate to the top level of navigation tree
upSet configuration path up one level
validateValidate changes to the current configuration

Note: The operational commands can also run in configuration mode if you prefix the operational command with the word “run”. In other words, these commands are identical:

> show status 
% run show status

For more details about the elements for the CLI, see the specific command-line examples for the function you want to perform.

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