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Assigning ports and logging in

These notes on port assignments and logging into the console apply for both Ubuntu and CentOS policy consoles.

About port assignments

The policy console requires ports 80 and 443 for request traffic; the policy console API requires port 8443. If those ports are already in use, the console uses another open port. Typically, this port selection is invisible, but you may see an installation/reboot failure with an "address already in use" error. Here are some tips to manage console ports. 

  • If you have another process running on one of these ports, stop that process and run the install/reboot command again to allow the console to use the required ports.
  • To run the console on a specific port, edit /etc/policy-console-{version}.env and uncomment CONSOLE_PORT. Set the value to an available port (for example, CONSOLE_PORT=12345), then install/reboot the console. You can then access your console at that port (for example, https://my_console:12345). 
  • To specify a different port for the console API, edit CONSOLE_API_PORT in /etc/policy-console-{version}.env.

The policy console also deploys some internal components which require port 8082 to be free. If installation fails because of this port being in use:

  • Edit  /etc/policy-console-{version}.env  and uncomment INJECTION_ENGINE_PORT. Set the value to an available port (for example, CONSOLE_PORT=12345), then reboot the console.

Logging into the policy console

On a web browser on your host system, open your policy console.


Log into the policy console.

In the Email field, type

The initial password for this setup user is:

  • For release 4.1.15 and later: Qwerty1@
  • For releases earlier than 4.1.15: qwerty

To learn more about applying Blue Cedar policies, see Policy Console IT Administrator Guide.

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