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Secure Web Stack profiles (API)

Secure Web Stack parameters

Use these parameters when you apply the Secure Web Stack policy (POLICY_CODE_SECURE_WEB_STACK) to the app with app-market/policy.


Values: none, manual, or automatic.


The hostname or IP address of Secure Web Stack server that the Blue Cedar-protected app uses to access external HTTP resources. 

Note: If you are using manual proxy, you must set the host and port parameters for the proxy server. If you do not configure both parameters, the Blue Cedar-protected app cannot utilize the proxy server to access HTTP resources.

secure_web_stack_proxy_port Integer. The port number of the Secure Web Stack server that Blue Cedar-protected app uses to access external HTTP resources. 

The default URL for the Proxy auto-configuration (PAC) file that  an HTTP-based  app uses to specify an HTTP Proxy server.

secure_web_stack_single_sign_onWhether to retrieve single sign-on cookies from the gateway. If set to 1 and the gateway supports SSO credentials, then the app can receive the credentials immediately following authentication.

Unprotected apps that use WKWebView (an Apple framework object that displays web content) send WKWebView traffic separately from the other app data. When protecting apps that use WKWebView, you can specify whether to protect this separate data:


  • network (default): Intercepts all network traffic. This option protects proxy, client certificates, and tunneling, but does not include cookies.
  • full: Intercepts all network and data traffic. This option protects the same network traffic as above, and also intercepts and encrypts cookies. However, this option means that local storage cannot persist.
  • none: No WKWebView interception enabled. Network requests are handled by the system. Suitable for apps that use WKWebView to display cloud content.
secure_web_stack_proxy_verification_urlA URL that requires authentication to the proxy for your configuration.
  • 1: Enable the Android pre-Lollipop device proxy settings.
  • 0: Disable the Android pre-Lollipop device proxy settings.
secure_web_stack_legacy_proxy_hostThe hostname or IP address of the HTTP proxy server that the secured app uses on Android pre-Lollipop devices.
secure_web_stack_legacy_proxy_portInteger. The port number of the HTTP proxy server that the secured app uses on Android pre-Lollipop devices.
secure_web_stack_legacy_ use_web_stack_for_java_api

1: The secured app's HTTP-related Java API calls should go through the Secure Web Stack

0: The app's HTTP-related Java API calls should go through the Android pre-Lollipop device proxy.

Must be set to 1 unless otherwise directed by Blue Cedar support.


Secure Web Stack API resources

To manage Secure Web Stack profiles, use these resources:

  • profile : Use type="secure_web_stack" to create a Secure Web Stack profile. See example below.
  • profile/catalog/{policytype} : Use "secure_web_stack" for "{policytype}". GET returns an array of details for all policy profiles of the specified type.
  • profile/{GUID} Use the profile ID to specify a policy profile. GET returns details for the specified profile, PUT updates the details in the specified profile, and DELETE archives the profile.
  • settings/secure-web-stack-default-profile ( settings/{policytype}-default-profile ): POST sets one of the Secure Web Stack profiles as the default. GET returns the GUID of the current default profile. DELETE archives the current default.

To retrieve details for the policy:

  • app-policy/{GUID} : Use the policy ID to specify a policy. GET returns details for the specified policy.
  • app-policy/code/{code} : Use POLICY_CODE_SECURE_WEB_STACK to specify the policy. GET returns details for the specified policy.

To secure apps with the policy:

Creating a Secure Web Stack profile

This example creates a Secure Web Stack profile with the profile API, specifying all options.


curl -k -v -L -b c.txt -c c.txt -X POST \
  -F name="TestProfile" \
  -F type="secure_web_stack" \
  -F desc="Default Profile" \
  -F data="{\"secure_web_stack_proxy_method\":\"manual\", \
            \"secure_web_stack_proxy_port\":8080, \
            \"secure_web_stack_proxy_host\":\"host\", \
            \"secure_web_stack_proxy_auto_conf_url\":\"\", \
            \"secure_web_stack_proxy_verification_url\":\"\", \
            \"secure_web_stack_single_sign_on\":\"1\", \
            \"secure_web_stack_legacy_proxy_exists\":\"1\", \
            \"secure_web_stack_legacy_proxy_host\":\"fallback_host\", \
            \"secure_web_stack_legacy_proxy_port\":\"8000\", \
            \"secure_web_stack_intercept_wk_webview\":\"network\", \


         "profile_data_stamp":"2017-02-14 13:31:48.0"
      "profile_desc":"Default Profile",

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