Uploading an app (API)
Step one: Uploading an app
To upload an app to the policy console, use one of the following REST API calls:
- POST app-market/upload uploads an app. If an app in the policy console exists with the same package name, this overwrites the existing app without confirmation.
- POST app-market/upload-no-replace uploads an app if no app with the same package name exists in the policy console. If an app in the system has the same package name, the resource returns with details of both apps and a confirmation_needed field. You then use POST app-market/upload-commit/{packageName}/{platform}/{blobId} to confirm the upload.
This example uses POST app-market/upload-no-replace to upload an IPA without automatically replacing an existing app:
curl -v -L -b c.txt -c c.txt -X \
POST https://bc.qwe.com/mocana-app-control/rest/app-market/upload-no-replace \
--data-binary @BCTest.ipa
Because this was the first time the app was uploaded, the upload finishes. The call returns with details for the app you just uploaded, and confirmation_needed returns false.
"message": "",
"status": "OK",
"upload_info": {
"app_new": {
"apk_url": "https://bc.qwe.com:443/mocana-app-control/rest/app-market/d8bd9013-b941-4ccd-9a2d-f6d02a63360d/apk",
"app_id": "d8bd9013-b941-4ccd-9a2d-f6d02a63360d",
"app_policies": [],
"icon_url": "https://bc.qwe.com:443/mocana-app-control/rest/app-market/d8bd9013-b941-4ccd-9a2d-f6d02a63360d/icon",
"info_url": "https://bc.qwe.com:443/mocana-app-control/rest/app-market/d8bd9013-b941-4ccd-9a2d-f6d02a63360d",
"name": "BCTest",
"package_name": "com.qwe.BCTest",
"package_size": "117782",
"platform": "PLATFORM_IOS",
"plist_url": "https://bc.qwe.com:443/mocana-app-control/rest/web-catalog/d8bd9013-b941-4ccd-9a2d-f6d02a63360d.plist"
"confirmation_needed": false
To see what happens when you upload an app that is already in the system, upload this app again:
curl -v -L -b c.txt -c c.txt -X \
POST https://bc.qwe.com/mocana-app-control/rest/app-market/upload-no-replace \
--data-binary @BCTest.ipa
This time, you see details for both the app that you uploaded before (app_current) and the app you’re uploading now (app_new). In the app_new array, identical_installer is true—you uploaded the exact same app.
This time, confirmation_needed returns true.
"message": "",
"status": "OK",
"upload_info": {
"app_current": {
"apk_url": "https://bc.qwe.com:443/mocana-app-control/rest/app-market/d8bd9013-b941-4ccd-9a2d-f6d02a63360d/apk",
"app_id": "d8bd9013-b941-4ccd-9a2d-f6d02a63360d",
"app_policies": [],
"icon_url": "https://bc.qwe.com:443/mocana-app-control/rest/app-market/d8bd9013-b941-4ccd-9a2d-f6d02a63360d/icon",
"info_url": "https://bc.qwe.com:443/mocana-app-control/rest/app-market/d8bd9013-b941-4ccd-9a2d-f6d02a63360d",
"name": "BCTest",
"package_name": "com.qwe.BCTest",
"package_size": "117782",
"platform": "PLATFORM_IOS",
"plist_url": "https://bc.qwe.com:443/mocana-app-control/rest/web-catalog/d8bd9013-b941-4ccd-9a2d-f6d02a63360d.plist"
"app_new": {
"commit_url": "httsp://bc.qwe.com:443/mocana-app-control/rest/app-market/upload-commit/com.qwe.BCTest/PLATFORM_IOS/b62f5bfc-e418-4af7-85fb-212abb593857",
"identical_installer": true,
"name": "BCTest",
"package_name": "com.qwe.BCTest"
"confirmation_needed": true
When confirmation_needed is true, you can take one of these actions:
- Do nothing and keep the previously uploaded version in the system.
- Use POST app-market/upload-commit/{packageName}/{platform}/{blobId} to replace the old version with the new one.
To replace the old version with the new one, POST to the URL returned by commit_url.
curl -v -L -b c.txt -c c.txt -X POST https://bc.qwe.com:443/mocana-app-control/rest/app-market/upload-commit/com.qwe.BCTest/PLATFORM_IOS/b62f5bfc-e418-4af7-85fb-212abb593857
"message": "",
"status": "OK",
"upload_info": {
"app_id": "d8bd9013-b941-4ccd-9a2d-f6d02a63360d",
"app_isnew": false,
"icon_url": "https://bc.qwe.com:443/mocana-app-control/rest/files/ec074f51-e413-4775-94af-dffd405d6345",
"name": "BCTest",
"package_name": "com.qwe.BCTest"
Securing an app involves these steps:
Uploading an app
Creating profiles for the policies you want to apply (Defining security policies (API))
Choosing a code signing type and signing profile (Code signing (API))
Securing the app with those policies and profiles, optionally code signing in the policy console (Securing an app (API))
Downloading or exporting the app, optionally code signing outside the console (Downloading and exporting apps (API))