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About individual app binaries

When a workflow creates new versions of an app by integrating SDKs, signing the integrated app, and so on, the platform stores and organizes these app binaries. You can find these versions and related information by following the artifacts for a specific workflow run or all the workflow runs for an app version. 

Finding binaries per workflow run

From the App Versions page, find the version, and click on a workflow run to get to the workflow run status page. Each workflow run is unique to that app version, that is, "BlackBerry No Code - Run 1" for one app build is distinct from "BlackBerry No Code - Run 1" for a different entry in the app versions list.

  • The Status tab links to the binary for each step that created a new binary.
  • The Artifacts tab lists all of the binaries and other artifacts such as signing bundles. 

Click on the Download Versions button to download the file.

Click on the binary link to get to the binary details.

Sidebar OptionsDescription
Binary Info

General information about this binary, including the imported parent binary, mobile platform, app version, filename, and file size, build number. 

  • Note that the "Build number" shown on this page is distinct and separate from the app's official version number. This unique build number allows the app to be uploaded for distribution even when the mobile app's version has not changed. Each time a no-code integration step is run on the app, the build number changes.
  • You change the App Folder icon by selecting "Apply icon to app folder" under the binary image icon. 

Associated Files:

List of files that are associated with the app binary.   Examples of files that are produced with the app integrated are:

  • A ProGuard mapping file that contains information needed for a third-party obfuscation tool for use with an app binary produced from the Blue Cedar Platform.  
  • A mapping.txt file for enhancing obfuscated Android apps by providing a mapping of the obfuscated code back to the original app source code.  The mapping.txt is output from the Android Studio’s minification and build process.

These files are also available in the app signing bundle when using external signing.


Integration information, including when the app was integrated and by whom, any status information, and policies added to the app.

SigningSigning information if available.

Deployment Status

An image of the workflow stages and steps.

See Managing apps and app versions for an overview of the organization of each version, workflow run, and artifact within an App.

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