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Deleting an app

The Blue Cedar Platform helps you organize and manage apps and multiple versions of apps. You can delete a specific version of an app or you can delete an entire app (container) to make it unavailable.

Deleting a version of an app

Delete an imported version

  • From the App List / App Versions page, find the app version you want to delete. Click the version name.
  • On the App version > General Information page, click the down arrow in the upper right corner. Choose Delete this Version, and confirm.

Delete an integrated version

Integrated and signed versions are associated with workflow runs. You can access them from the Artifacts tab of each run.

  • From the App List / App Versions page, find the app version for the binary you want to delete.
  • Expand the app version to show the workflow runs. Click on the desired workflow run.
  • On the workflow run detail page, choose the Artifacts tab.
  • Click on the filename in the Artifacts column to get to the General information screen for that version. 

    The breadcrumbs are now four levels deep: App List / App name / App version / Integrated binary name
  • From the arrow in the top right, choose Delete this version. Confirm.

Deleting an app from the app list

When you delete an app from the app list, you delete an app completely, including all versions of the app, the associated workflow, workflow run information, and any related reports or other information.

  • From the App List, choose the app you want to delete.
  • On the App List / App Versions page, click the down arrow in the upper right corner. Choose Delete App, and confirm.

This action cannot be undone.

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