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Gateway log contents

Event logs consist of a series of keys and values.

  • The first several fields comprise the Log header—basic information about the event, including the timestamp and details about the gateway. 
  • The last section is the Log message, which may be a simple message describing the event, or a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) object with more details about the session, user, device, and app. These log fields are described in the next sections.

Log header


Nov 11 2021 22:24:37 tilera3 Mocana: [INTFMGR], SubCls:999, EID: 658120114, 
Type: General, Sev:Informational, 
Removing tunnel interface vt1 with address

Nov 11 2021 22:24:37 tilera3 Mocana: [IKE], SubCls:050, EID: 0, 
Type: General, Sev:Informational,

Nov 11 2021 22:24:37 tilera3 Mocana: [AAA] SubCls:ACCT, EID: 0, 
Type: Acct, Sev:Informational, 
Session STOP {"sessionId":{"username":"jlennon","duration":"7 minutes 17 seconds","durationSeconds":437,
"device":{"osType":"ios","deviceName":"JLennon’s iPhone", "hardware":"iPhone8,2","version":"9.1",
"carrierName":"T-Mobile","mobileCountryCode":"310","mobileNetworkCode":"260", "uniqueId":"06736CC0-E65A-4E9C-A139-4C5J5D1C1F87","jailbroken":false},
"app":{"assignedIp":"","publicSrcIp": "","federation":"", "appName":"","appPackageId":"com.sid.singleAPITester",

Nov 11 2021 22:24:37 tilera3 Mocana: [AAA], SubCls:999, EID: 0, 
Type: General, Sev:Warning, 
Received unexpected accounting STOP signal for handle 0x295923e0b100

TimestampTimestamp of the log event, in format Mon D HH:MM:SS
Atlas nameName of the gateway
Mocana: [component]

Which gateway subsystem generated the log. Possible values:

  • aaa: Authentication, Authorization, Accounting (AAA) subsystem logs
  • amf: Availability Management Framework (API logs, Manager logs, and Agent logs). 

  • Note: The gateway uses the Availability Management Framework (AMF) for High Availability configuration, monitoring, and management. The AMF logging messages capture data about the gateway that an IT Administrator and Technical Support can use to analyze the health of the gateway.

  • cfm: Core File Manager (which collects diagnostic information about software component failures)
  • datapath: Logs that have information about what is going on inside a datapath (such as data traffic from IKE tunnels or DHCP protocol) and for the Datapath Client Library (which is a library that other processes use to communicate with and get information from Datapath).
  • ike: IKE-related logs.
  • intfmgr: Logs for Interface Manager, which configures the ethernet interfaces and monitors the status changes to those interfaces.
  • ipsec: IPSec-related logs.
  • reportmgr: Logs for Report Manager.
  • services-logs: System services-related logs (such as ntp, ssh, syslog, dns, logging and clock) and logs for the Services Client (which collects information about any interaction with the Services process. For example, AAA is a client of Services.)
SubCls:nnnThe gateway also provides subclasses for logging. Subclasses enable you to examine a subset of the log messages that you are interested in. A subclass uses the same target as the parent log class. For more information about using subclasses, contact Blue Cedar Technical Support
EID:Generally not used (=0). When EID is non-zero, you can use EID to link a series of events to a particular session instance.
  • General
  • Acct

The severity level. Possible values, in order of decreasing severity:

  • Critical: This log reports an error of highest severity.
  • Major: This log reports an error of serious severity.
  • Minor: This log reports an error of the lowest severity.
  • Warning: This log reports a potential error.
  • Informational: This log reports information about the status of the gateway.
  • Debug: This log reports more troubleshooting information about the status of the gateway.

Log message

Many of the log messages are short statements, such as an issue with a specific component or a login attempt from an unknown user. Blue Cedar Technical Support can help interpret and troubleshoot as necessary.

The following subsections describe log messages that include JSON objects:

  • Link Update: Status of the ethernet port connection.
  • Policy REJECT: The JSON object includes a rejection reason as well as session identification information. 
  • Session START: The session identification information includes details about the user, device, and app. Session START is logged when a tunnel session is connected and ready to pass traffic. See Tunnel sessions and federation sessions for more information about tunnel sessions.
  • Session STOP: The session identification information includes details about the user, device, app, and session duration.

Link Update

"Link Update" {
    "linkUpdate" : {
        "name": "ethernet0",
        "status": "up" 

Name of the port​: 

  • ethernet0: private interface
  • ethernet1: public interface

"up" if the link is connected, otherwise "down".


Oct 22 2021 13:31:13.664259: [AAA] 
Policy REJECT {"reason":"Attempting login with jailbroken device",
                                      "version":"#1 SMP Tue Sep 15 15:05:51 UTC 2021",
                                   "publicSrcIp": "",                                   "federation":"",

Attempting login with a jailbroken deviceA user is attempting to log in with a jailbroken device, but does not have privileges to do so. See Allowing compromised devices and apps to access the gateway to change the default behavior.
Invalid or malformed MAC addressThe MAC address is zeroes or an otherwise malformed entry.
Device failed validation

The device can't be validated externally (with the MDM server). Alternately, the MDM server may send a different message which gets reported here.

When failed external validation is the rejection reason, the JSON structure also includes a "remediation:" entry, which may be the default remediation message from the gateway, or a message from the MDM server.

See Securing MDM-managed devices with the gateway for more details about external validation and remediation strings.

Disallowed due to post-auth policyThe post-auth policy rules don't allow a session to connect based on session attributes. See Managing dynamic app policies.

Session START

Oct  2 13:45:35 tilera3 Mocana: [AAA], SubCls:ACCT, EID:          0, Type:    Acct, Sev:Informational, 
Session START   {"sessionId":{"username":"jruser",
                                        "deviceName":"Platinum series I",
                                        "carrierName":"Verizon Wireless",
                                     "publicSrcIp": "",  

sessionId: The session identification object includes details for the user, device, and app.

  • username
  • device
  • NameDescription
    osTypeiOS or Android
    hardwareString identifier of the device hardware. On Android, typically of the form manufacturer plus phone name, for example, "HTC One m8." On iOS, an iOS hardware code.
    versionVersion of the operating system.
    securityPatchVersionAndroid only. The security update level of the Android release.
    carrierNameName of the carrier, for example, Verizon Wireless.
    mobileCountryCodeCountry code bound to the device's SIM/telephony info, for example, 310 for US.
    mobileNetworkCodeNetwork operator code bound to the device's SIM/telephony info, for example, 030 for AT&T. See for both mobile country codes and mobile network codes.
    uniqueIdA semi-opaque identifier. One of the device MAC or iOS Advertising ID, varying based on device and OS version
    jailbrokenBoolean. Whether the device has been jailbroken or not.
  • app

  • NameDescription
    assignedIpPrivate-side IP address assigned to the app by the gateway.
    publicSrcIpPublic source IP address of the client when establishing an IKE connection.
    federationIdentifier for a common federation ID, from a gateway policy server.
    appNameName of the app.
    appPackageIdCross-platform unique identifier for the app. For example, "".
    appVersionVersion of the app.
    appUuidUnique ID for the app. Set only on iOS.
    appGsidGlobal Session ID (GSID) assigned to the app's current session by the gateway.

Session STOP

Oct  2 13:42:50 tilera3 Mocana: [AAA], SubCls:ACCT, EID:          0, Type:    Acct, Sev:Informational, 
Session STOP {"sessionId":{"username":"jruser",
              "duration":"49 seconds",
                     "publicSrcIp": "",

sessionId: The session identification object includes session duration details as well as details for the user, device, and app.

  • username
  • duration
  • durationSeconds:
  • device
  • NameDescription
    osTypeiOS or Android
    hardwareString identifier of the device hardware. On Android, typically of the form manufacturer plus phone name, for example, "HTC One m8." On iOS, an iOS hardware code.
    versionVersion of the operating system
    securityPatchVersionAndroid only. The security update level of the Android release.
    carrierNameName of the carrier, for example, Verizon Wireless.
    mobileCountryCodeCountry code bound to the device's SIM/telephony info, for example, 310 for US.
    mobileNetworkCodeNetwork operator code bound to the device's SIM/telephony info, for example, 030 for AT&T. See for both mobile country codes and mobile network codes.
    uniqueIdA semi-opaque identifier. One of the device MAC or iOS Advertising ID, varying based on device and OS version
    jailbrokenBoolean. Whether the device has been jailbroken or not.
  • app 

    assignedIpPrivate-side IP address assigned to the app by the gateway.
    publicSrcIpPublic source IP address of the client when establishing an IKE connection.
    federationIdentifier for a common federation ID, from a gateway policy server.
    appNameName of the app.
    appPackageIdCross-platform unique identifier for the app. For example, "".
    appVersionVersion of the app.
    appUuidUnique ID for the app. Set only on iOS.
    appGsidGlobal Session ID (GSID) assigned to the app's current session by the gateway.
    packetsRxNumber of packets received by the gateway from the app
    bytesRxNumber of bytes received by the gateway from the app
    packetsTxNumber of packets sent by the gateway to the app
    bytesTxNumber of bytes sent by the gateway to the app
    acceptedEulaWhether the app user agreed to the End User License Agreement.

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