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CentOS/RPM: Installing, upgrading, and uninstalling the policy console

Important note

See Policy console requirements for virtual machine requirements.

Installing the policy console RPM

This procedure is for first time installation.

Before installing the policy console RPM package on a Red Hat/CentOS virtual machine, install Docker (any edition) on that virtual machine. 

Download the .rpm files from Blue Cedar Support to your virtual machine running Red Hat/CentOS.

Disable SELinux. See the Red Hat documentation, Disabling SELinux.

In the directory where you saved the .rpm files, install them with this command:

$ sudo yum install -y policy-console-*.rpm

Upgrading the policy console RPM

Download the .rpm files from Blue Cedar Support to your virtual machine running Red Hat/CentOS.

In the directory where you saved the .rpm files, use this command to upgrade:

$ sudo yum update -y policy-console-*.rpm

Uninstalling the console files and database

In the directory where you saved the .rpm files, use this command to remove console packages:

$ sudo yum remove policy-console-database

The above step removes the console files, but does not remove console data. If you are sure you want to remove the console database entirely, after running the above step you can run the below. IMPORTANT: The following command removes the entire console database, make sure you understand what you are doing.

To remove console data, including any apps, profiles, users, and so on, use this command:

$ sudo docker volume rm policy_console_database_data
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