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Ubuntu/Debian: Installing, upgrading, and uninstalling the policy console

Important note

See Policy console requirements for virtual machine requirements.

Installing the policy console

This procedure is for first time installation on a virtual machine running Ubuntu. 

Before installing the policy console, make sure you have installed curl. On the virtual machine where you want to run the policy console, run these commands:

$ sudo apt-get install curl

Note: Use the sudo command to execute commands using permissions of the root user. If you choose to administer the Ubuntu system through a graphical interface to create folders and using drag and drop to move files, you may need to manually adjust ownership and permissions.

On the same VM, create a directory: /usr/local/share/policy-console/deb/ 

$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/policy-console/deb

Move the policy console files (available from Blue Cedar Support) to this new directory: 

sudo mv * /usr/local/share/policy-console/deb/ 
  • policy-console-appcontrol*.deb
  • policy-console-database*.deb
  • policy-console-injection-engine*.deb
  • Packages.gz

Install the policy console database package. This command might fail if you don't have the required packages installed on your system, in which case, proceed to step 5.

$ sudo dpkg -i /usr/local/share/policy-console/deb/policy-console-database_{version}.deb

Run this update, which also installs any missing packages:

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -f

Now install the policy console package:

$ sudo apt-get install policy-console-appcontrol

Verify the installation. The results should list three containers: injection engine, appcontrol, and database.

$ sudo docker ps

Look for lines in the output containing these containers:


Sample output

1b9ce819d0af bluecedar/policy-console-appcontrol:3.20.0-51 "/bin/bash -l -c /co…" 20 seconds ago Up 19 seconds (health: started)>80/tcp,>443/tcp,>8080/tcp,>8443/tcp policy_console_appcontrol

a46d567feb36 bluecedar/policy-console-injection-engine:3.20.0-51 "/bin/bash -l -c /co…" 20 seconds ago Up 19 seconds (health: started)>8080/tcp policy_console_injection_engine

125929de3c88 bluecedar/policy-console-database:3.20.0-51 "/bin/bash -l -c -x …" 20 seconds ago Up 20 seconds (health: started)>3306/tcp

Upgrading the policy console

Important note

To upgrade the policy console, you need required software and files to install the new console. See Policy console requirements for virtual machine requirements.

Procedure overview:

  • To migrate your configured environment, backup the old configuration.
  • Upgrade the console with the new version.
  • Restart the new version with the (optional) saved configuration.

This procedure assumes you are installing the new version of the policy console on an existing policy console (version 3.20+). 

Optional. If you have modified your environment file and want to preserve your configuration, you need to backup the new default configuration before upgrading. If you have not modified your environment file, skip to step 2.

The upgrade process requires you to edit the environment to refer to the old console. Run this command to backup the environment file before updating the new policy console so you can easily restore after upgrading from the old console:

$ sudo cp /etc/policy-console-{old_version}.env /etc/policy-console-{old_version}.env.bak

Optional. Create a backup of the previous installation directory before copying the policy console files to your VM. To do this, rename the current directory, and then create a new directory for the upgrade files.

$ sudo mv /usr/local/share/policy-console/deb /usr/local/share/policy-console/debMMDDYYYY
$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/policy-console/deb/

Copy the policy console files (available from Blue Cedar Support) to this new directory: /usr/local/share/policy-console/deb/ 

  • policy-console-appcontrol*.deb
  • policy-console-database*.deb
  • policy-console-injection-engine*.deb
  • Packages.gz

    $ sudo mv * /usr/local/share/policy-console/deb/

Upgrade to the new version of the policy console:

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install policy-console-database && sudo apt-get install policy-console-appcontrol

Optional. If you created a backup in step 1, restore the configuration from the backup file and reboot:

$ sudo cp /etc/policy-console-{old_version}.env.bak /etc/policy-console-{new_version}.env
$ sudo service policy-console reboot

Optional. After the policy console is successfully upgraded, you can remove the backup version of the policy console files.

$ sudo rm -r /usr/local/share/policy-console/debMMDDYYYY

Uninstalling the console files and database

To uninstall policy console files (Ubuntu), run this command on the console host:

$ sudo apt-get remove policy-console-database

The above step removes the console files, but does not remove console data. If you are sure you want to remove the console database entirely, after running the above step you can run the below. IMPORTANT: The following command removes the entire console database, make sure you understand what you are doing.

$ sudo docker volume rm policy_console_database_data
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