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Data Sharing copy and paste scenarios

Copy and paste between grouped and ungrouped apps

This table shows how the Copy Paste options work in different scenarios where the apps are secured with the same Copy Paste settings.

Copy Paste settingsCopy and paste between grouped and ungrouped apps
Block copy +
Block paste 

Allowed: Copy from a grouped app and paste into a grouped app

Not allowed: Copy from a grouped app to an outside app

Not allowed: Copy from an outside app to a grouped app

Not allowed: Copy between apps that are not grouped

Block copy + Allow paste

Allowed: Copy from a grouped app and paste into a grouped app

Not allowed: Copy from a grouped app to an outside app

Not allowed: Copy from an ungrouped but protected app to a grouped app

Not allowed: Copy between protected apps that are not grouped

Allow copy (Allow paste implied)

Allowed: Copy from a grouped app and paste into a grouped app

Allowed: Copy from a grouped app to an outside app

Allowed: Copy from an outside app to a grouped app

Allowed: Copy between apps that are not grouped

Copy and paste between protected and unprotected apps

This table shows how the Copy Paste options work between an app secured with Copy Paste settings and an app not secured with Copy Paste settings. (This includes unprotected apps as well as apps secured with other policies, not including Data Sharing.)

Copy Paste settingsCopy and paste between protected and unprotected apps

App 1: Block copy +
Block paste 

App 2: unprotected

Not allowed: Copy from a block-copy/paste app and paste into an unprotected app

Not allowed: Copy from an unprotected app into a block-copy/paste app

App 1: Block copy + Allow paste

App 2: unprotected

Not allowed: Copy from a block-copy/allow-paste app and paste into an unprotected app

Allowed: Copy from an unprotected app into a block-copy/allow-paste app

App 1: Allow copy
(Allow paste implied)

App 2: unprotected 

Allowed: Copy from an allow-copy/paste app and paste into an unprotected app

Allowed: Copy from an unprotected app into an allow-copy/paste app

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