Signing - External Signing by Blue Cedar
The Signing step verifies the signing credentials and bundles everything you need to sign externally in a zip file, including a script for signing. The Platform does not sign the app, but the workflow pauses at the signing step to let you download the zip file, sign the app, and upload the signed app before continuing to the next step.
When the app is ready for signing, the workflow status shows that the app is waiting on Signing. This status is available via the Dashboard > Deployment Workflow widget, as well as the workflow run details on App Details page. If you create a notification list when you configure the signing step, the platform sends email to those users when the app is ready for signing.
Prerequisites | Local signing server |
Stages |
Using this step in a workflow
The Signing step is available when you have enabled and configured the External Signing extension. See Extension - Signing for details.
Click on the options gear icon next to Signing in the workflow outline.
- Enable Android and select a keystore from the list of signing configurations.
- Enable iOS and select a certificate from the list of signing configurations.
- (Optional) Enable Notification List and add users who get notified when the app is ready to sign.
When a workflow gets to the external signing step:
- The Platform bundles the app, signing credentials, signing script, and a Proguard Rules mapping file into a zip file.
- The Dashboard > Workflow widget shows that the workflow is waiting on Signing.
- The Platform sends email to users on the Notification List to let them know that the app is ready to sign.
See Signing apps for details about using the zip file and signing the app on a local signing server.