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Browser Configuration profiles (UI)

Configuring the Browser Configuration profile

To customize the user interface of the browser, you must first create a browser profile. The profile contains all the configured settings for securing Compass. 

Browser profiles are designed to create multiple versions of Compass for different user groups. For instance, you may use one profile for "executives" and another profile for "contractors." Each profile can configure specific sites and other customization features (such as color).

On the Apps page, click the Blue Cedar Apps tab, which displays both the Android and iOS versions of Compass. Alternately, click the iOS tab or the Android tab and look for Compass.

Choose the appropriate Compass (Android or iOS).

Click the Browser Configuration settings gear. The Policy details page appears, where you can create a new profile or edit an existing profile.

On the Policy details page, click + Browser Profile to create a new profile, or click the View/Edit profile (pencil) icon next to an existing profile to edit it.

On the Browser Configuration profile page, enter the Profile name and description, then select the desired policy options.

App name

Enter the app name that appears with the app icon when displayed on the home screen of the device.

App icon

Click Change File > Choose File to select a customized icon for Compass. If you want to use the default icon that Blue Cedar provides for Compass, check Reset to Blue Cedar icon.

Note: If you do not choose a customized icon or check the Reset to Blue Cedar icon box, the injectable uses the default icon.

Theme color

Optional. To change the color of the bar under the top navigation bar in the browser, choose a specific color from the Theme Color menu or enter the hex color value in the Theme Color box.

Note: If you use a REST API call instead of the policy console web interface to set the theme color, you must convert the color's hex number into an unsigned long data type.

Home page

Optional. Enter a URL to set the first HTML page that Compass displays when a new tab opens.

Note: If no URL value is provided for this parameter, by default, a new tab opens to the Launch Pad page.

Web app list configuration

For each web site that you want to add to the Web App List (the sites that appear on the Launch Pad):

  • Click + Site to add web sites (name and URL). Note: Compass only supports http and https requests. Compass does not support ftp requests.
  • Optional. Configure a custom icon. Click the default icon (the image next to the Site Name field). An additional row appears with Choose or Change File options. To select the file for the custom icon, use Choose File or Change File to upload the image file. To revert to the default icon, check Reset To Default.

  • Choose Allow Remove to specify whether the user can remove that site from the Launch Pad view in Compass. Note: When the user removes the website icon, the user no longer can access that website with the version of Compass they are running. For users to obtain access again to the secure website, they can choose Settings > Restore Launch Pad defaults.

To remove the web site from the Web App List, click the X next to that site's entry.

Note: If you do not include any web sites in this list, the user does not see any Launch Pad options.

Compass app options

Optional actions you can allow the mobile device user to perform. These options may appear in the navigation bar or the tool bar. By default, all options are turned off. To make the option available for a user, enable it by selecting the option.

Note: Not all options are available for both iOS and Android devices.

  • Allow URL entry: Enable the user to edit the currently displayed URL in Compass. If this option is not selected, the address bar displays the URL, but users cannot enter or edit the address bar (although they can still reload the page if needed). If you want to secure access to a single internal web resource, clear this option to disallow URL entry.
    • Allow search: Enable Compass to search Google for user-entered text if it is not a valid web address. If Allow Search is disabled and the user enters text that isn't a valid web address, Compass shows "unable to open" and does not search. 

      Note: This option is available only if the Allow URL Entry box is selected. 
  • Allow history: Allow users to view browser history and navigate to previously visited pages
  • Allow bookmarks: Let a user create a new bookmark for a web site. Users can add bookmarks from the options menu (three lines or three dots). The Launch Pad displays the web sites that you have configured for the browser in a grid layout.
  • Allow e-mail (iOS only): Let the user share the web page via email. If this option is not selected, then the user cannot share the current page via email.
Advanced > Custom app ID(iOS only) This setting can be used to customize the iOS bundle ID for the Compass app. Administrators can use this ID to replace an older Compass with a new secured Compass. Only change this setting when directed by Blue Cedar support.
Advanced > App query schemes(iOS only) Use this setting to add custom URL schemes to allow Compass to open external apps.

When satisfied with your configuration, click Save changes. Click Reset to restore the configuration of the browser profile back to the previous version. Click Cancel if you want to start again.

Applying security policies to Compass

This procedure explains how to add Blue Cedar policies that enforce the security of Compass.

On the Apps page, click the Blue Cedar Apps tab, which displays both the Android and iOS versions of Compass. (Alternately, click the iOS tab or the Android tab and look for Compass.)

Click the appropriate Compass (Android or iOS). The App details page appears.

Under Policies to apply, click the triangle to expand the Browser Configuration panel.

Select "Enable Browser Configuration policy" and choose a browser profile from the menu.

Expand the Secure Microtunnel panel, enable the Secure Microtunnel policy, and choose a Secure Microtunnel profile. If you haven't already configured a profile, see Secure Microtunnel.

Choose any of the other policies you want to secure the Compass app with. See Blue Cedar security policies.

Click Apply policies. 

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