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Client Certificates profiles (UI)

Configuring the Client Certificates policy

Use a Client Certificates profile to set these options with the Client Certificates policy. (See Policy profiles for general information about managing policy profiles.)

Click Apps, then Android or iOS, then the app you want to secure. The App details screen appears.

Click the settings gear on the Client Certificates panel. The Policy details page appears, where you can create a new profile or edit an existing profile. 

On the Policy details page, click + Client Certificates Profile to create a new profile, or click the pencil icon next to an existing profile to edit it.

On the Client Certificates profile page, enter the Profile name and description, then define the URL Matching Rules.

  • Host White List Exceptions: A list of sites blocked from receiving the client certificates obtained during enrollment. This list takes precedence over the Host White List.
  • Host White List: A list of sites allowed to receive the client certificates obtained during enrollment.

Each URL Matching Rule can include a host pattern and a port. The asterisk wildcard (*) is accepted.

  • In the host pattern field, you can specify * for part of the hostname. For example, * matches or, but not; * matches as well as and 
  • In the port field, you can specify * to apply to any port on the host. If you leave port empty, it defaults to port 443 (HTTPS). Use *443 to match 443, 8443, and so on.

When you are done configuring the profile, click Save changes. This profile is now available to use with any app.

Applying the Client Certificates policy

Click Apps, then Android or iOS, then the app you want to secure. The App details screen appears.

Under Policies to apply, click the triangle to expand the Client Certificates panel. 

Select "Enable Client Certificates policy."

Choose the Client Certificates profile from the menu.

Click Apply policies.

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