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End User License Agreement profiles (UI)

Configuring the End User License Agreement policy

Use an End User License Agreement profile to set these options with the End User License Agreement policy. (See Policy profiles for general information about managing policy profiles.)

Click Apps, then Android or iOS, then the app you want to secure. The App details screen appears.

Click the settings gear on the End User License Agreement panel. The Policy details page appears, where you can create a new profile or edit an existing profile. 

On the Policy details page, click + End User License Agreement Profile to create a new profile, or click the View/Edit profile icon next to an existing profile to edit it.

On the End User License Agreement profile page, enter the Profile name and description, then select the desired policy options.

Policy optionDescription
Prompt frequency

Choose when the user must accept the user agreement before using the app:

  • Prompt on first launch of app or group of apps.
  • Prompt on first launch and again every x months and y days. Specify the number of months (0–12) and days (0–31). If both month and days are set to 0, the user must accept the agreement the first time they launch the app or group of apps.

Upload license agreement

Choose file: Upload the license agreement text file. The license agreement file should be a text file (UTF-8 to handle non-ASCII characters), one file per locale. You must configure at least one valid file and locale.

Language and region: Specify the language and region codes for each file after uploading it. A profile can have as many locales as needed, but only one file per locale.

  • If the device language doesn't match any of the agreements specified in the profile, the policy falls back to US English (en-US).
  • If the device language doesn't match any of the agreements specified in the profile, and if the profile doesn't include a EULA for en-US, the app fails to run.
Uploaded license agreements

Each uploaded agreement file is listed in the table by language and region. Click the View license agreement text icon to see the contents of a file, or Delete Entry to remove the file from the profile.

When you are done configuring the profile, click Save changes. This profile is now available to use with any app.

Applying the End User License Agreement policy

Click Apps, then Android or iOS, then the app you want to secure. The App details screen appears.

Under Policies to apply, click the triangle to expand the End User License Agreement panel. 

Select "Enable End User License Agreement policy."

Choose the End User License Agreement profile from the menu.

Click Apply policies.

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