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Creating an app

Each entry in the App Folders list is a logical container where you can group together different versions of an app binary, the corresponding workflow, and associated workflow runs. 

App Folders can contain multiple mobile app binaries—for example, both iOS and Android versions of the same mobile app, or updated releases of the mobile app. After you run a workflow, the workflow run provides access to the enhanced or integrated versions of the mobile app. 

To create a new App Folder:

  • Start at the App Folders page.
  • Click the New App Folder button (top left of the screen). The New App Folder dialog asks for the App Folder name and to optionally select the App binary file to upload.  You can also create an App Folder (container) without uploading a file at this point, and add an initial app binary later via manual upload or an Import extension.
  • When you choose a mobile app binary file, the file is uploaded to the platform and processed. This initial processing detects basic information about this app file, such as its mobile platform and software build number, whether it is an original binary or integrated binary, and its App ID.

The new App binary appears in the App Folder. Click on the App Folder name to see the App Versions page with "App Folders / Folder Name" displayed across the top. The App Folder page lists all versions of the app and is the main control page for an app binary and its workflow. 

To add another binary to the app:

  • Starting from the App Folder Versions page, choose Actions > Upload Version.
  • If you plan to deploy both iOS and Android versions of the app, you can add both iOS and Android app binaries to the same App and create a single workflow to handle both.

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