API Resources
The API resources are organized in these categories:
Apps resources manage the collection of apps stored in the policy console.
Resource | Method | Description |
GET DELETE | A single mobile app (an APK or IPA file) in the policy console. | |
app-market/{GUID}/apk | GET | An app binary (an APK or IPA file). |
GET | An app icon (a PNG file). | |
GET | List of all Android apps in the policy console. | |
app-market/catalog | GET | List of all apps in the policy console. |
app-market/export-for-codesigning | POST | Zip file containing an app and information for signing it outside the policy console. |
app-market/info | POST | App information for a specific app. |
app-market/ios/catalog | GET | List of all iOS apps in the policy console. |
app-market/policy | POST | Blue Cedar policies to apply to an app. |
app-market/policy/{GUID} | DELETE | Remove all Blue Cedar policies from an app. |
app-market/upload | POST | Upload an app to the policy console without confirmation. |
app-market/upload-commit/{packageName}/{platform}/{blobId} | POST | Confirm an app upload. |
app-market/upload-no-replace | POST | Upload an app to the policy console with confirmation. |
Policy resources control Blue Cedar policies that can be applied to apps.
Resource | Method | Description |
app-policy/{GUID} | GET | Policy details by policy ID. |
app-policy/catalog | GET | List all policies. |
app-policy/code/{code} | GET | Policy details by policy code. |
app-policy/vpn-profile | POST | A VPN profile. |
Profile resources manage collections of policy settings.
Resource | Method | Description |
profile | POST | A new policy profile for a given type, not including vpn or browser. |
profile/{GUID} | GET DELETE | Details for a specific profile. |
profile/{GUID}/zip | GET | Existing profile in a ZIP file. |
profile/catalog | GET | List of all profiles in the policy console. |
profile/catalog/{policytype} | GET | List of all profiles of a given type. |
profile/data/{profile_data_GUID} | GET | Details for a specific profile. |
profile/mocana-browser/{GUID} | GET POST DELETE | Existing browser profile for Compass. |
profile/mocana-browser/{GUID}/json | GET | Existing browser profile for Compass in a JSON object. |
profile/mocana-browser/{GUID}/zip | GET | Existing browser profile for Compass in a ZIP file. |
profile/mocana-browser/new | POST | New browser profile for Compass. |
Settings resources control updating and customizing the default values in the database, including injectable files, overlay icons, and app icons. You can override these values when wrapping an app.
Resource | Method | Description |
settings/{policytype}-default-profile | GET POST DELETE | GUID for the default profile of the specified type. |
settings/browser-launcher-icon | GET POST DELETE | Default launcher icon for the Compass browser. |
settings/ios-seed-id | GET POST DELETE | The iOS bundle seed ID used for signing iOS apps. |
settings/list | GET | List of all settings. |
settings/osx-signing-auth-type | GET POST | Authentication method for connecting to the iOS signing server. |
settings/osx-signing-generate-ssh-key | POST | Generate an SSH key |
settings/osx-signing-hostname | GET POST | Hostname of the iOS signing server. |
settings/osx-signing-password | GET POST | Password for the iOS signing server. |
settings/osx-signing-ssh-key | GET | SSH key for authenticating to the iOS signing server. |
settings/osx-signing-username | GET POST | Username for the iOS signing server. |
settings/overlayicon | GET POST DELETE | Custom overlay icon. |
settings/serverinfo | GET | Information about the policy console |
settings/signing-type/{platform} | GET POST | Default setting for code-signing apps. |
settings/website-icon | GET POST DELETE | Default website icon for the Compass browser. |
User resources manage accounts with access to the policy console and API.
Resource | Method | Description |
user/{GUID} | GET DELETE | User details. |
user/create | POST | Create a new user account. |
user/list | GET | List all users. |
user/logout | GET | Log out. |
user/ping | GET | Log in or check session status. |
user/ping/j_security_check | POST | Authenticate user session in policy console. |
user/update | PUT | Update a user account. |
Resource | Method | Description |
audit-events/{event_id} | GET | Details for a specific system event that the policy console is tracking. |
audit-events/all | GET | Details for all system events that the policy console is tracking. |
audit-events/count | GET | Total number of system events that the policy console is tracking. |
audit-events/page/{page} | GET | Pages of details for system events that the policy console tracks, starting on a specific page. |
audit-events/paged | GET | Pages of details for system events that the policy console tracks, starting on a specific page and optionally specifying a limit per page and a type of event. |
audit-events/type/{type} | GET | Details for all events of a specific type that the policy console is tracking. |